This recently released movie is about two astronauts, George Clooney as Matt Kowalski and Sandra Bullock as Ryan Stone. They are set adrift in orbit after disaster strikes a shuttle mission. Initially, they are tethered together and tumble out of control. After regaining their composure, they try to conserve oxygen and find the resources to survive their ordeal. Clooney plays a seasoned space veteran with a great deal of composure, quick wit and the ability to calm Bullock’s character. Sandra Bullock plays a biomedical engineer who is new to space and somewhat reluctant to be in her position. The performance of both is over the top. The plot is well developed and appropriately suspenseful. The cinematography and special effects are breath-taking and innovative. I viewed it without the benefit of the 3D format.
Probably one of the finest movies I have seen this calendar year.