Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Brooks Museum Displays June 2012

Soul of the City: Memphis Collects African American Art: This interesting display has a multitude of art works by black artist of the 19th and 20th century. A number of the artists have a local connection and came from private Memphis collections. Most interesting were the still life paintings, wood carvings and quilts. I really didn’t find the mixed media and abstract pieces to be interesting. A short video accompanies the display. Architectural Perspectives: The Etchings of Elizabeth Searcy and Joseph Pennell: This displays centers mostly around Memphis Elizabeth Searcy. She was born in Helena, Arkansas and moved to Memphis as a young child. After having served as an office in the Confederate Army, her father established a successful business in Memphis. Because she was influenced by the work of Joseph Pennell, his etchings are included with this collection. The architectural etchings are of buildings in New York, the Northeast, as well as some Memphis structures. Also on display are some plates that were donated to the Brooks back in the 1950’s.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Movie Review: "Snow White & the Huntsman"

This adventure film is a twist of the Snow White fairy tale. Charlize Theron plays the evil queen who is bent on the destruction of her step daughter, Snow White. Snow White is the only person who stands in the way of her immortality and eternal beauty. The Huntsman is sent in to the dark forrest to capture Snow White by the evil queen. He becomes her instructor and protector as the story progresses. The special effects were similar to the last Spider Man movie. Even though I’m not much on costumes, Charlize Theron’s costumes- as well as her acting- were amazing and overpowered the other characters. The story line was above average and it was an interesting twist on an old story. There were really no inappropriate scenes or language.